Optimal Speed for Drifting when Fluke Fishing

Optimal Speed for Drifting when Fluke Fishing

Catching Fluke can be a challenge and tricky. Flukes usually lay on the floor of the ocean facing against the current. When fluke fishing, you want to have your boat placed in a spot where both your bait and the tide are moving in unison with each other. Drift speed is an integral part of fluke fishing. The optimal speed is between .5 and 1.5 knots. If you are moving any slower, you are not moving quick enough. If you are moving any quicker, it will be harder to hold the bottom without using much heavier weights.

Fluke fishing is no easy task, so let his article help you become a fluke fishing pro!

Type of Rigs for Fluke Fishing

To be a successful fluke fisher, you will have to know how to tie many different types of rigs. There are many kinds of rigs that one can try. There is no perfect rig to fluke fish with. Some will get you positive results, others will yield you nothing. Here are some of the rigs you can give a try when fluke fishing.

Single Bucktail or Fluke Ball Rig

When flukes are hitting fast, it is often better to focus on one fish at a time. If you do this, it will end with less tangles, faster releases, and the opportunity to battle with a doormat without a second summer flattie pulling you in all different directions. This situation is when the Single Bucktail or fluke ball can become a very effective tool.

High Low Rig

This rig is used to show one bait along the bottom and a teaser second bait above. The High Low Rig one of the more likely choices when it comes to fluke fans. This rig works best in shallow water when the summer flatties are more likely to rise. 

Hopkins Surf Rig

This fluke rig was big back from around Nantucket from shore and small boats. Believe it or not, it is still a popular rig in the present day. One really good way to get the most of this rig is to set up your boat up on a sandbar, get out, and cast your line into much deeper water from along the shoals.

These are just some of the rigs that help fishermen reel in a fluke. There are many more options out there worth exploring. When a fisher can be as prepared as possible, it makes catching flukes that much easier. 

Finding the Right Fluke Fishing Rod

This one is a no brainer. No matter what fish you are setting out to catch, finding the right rod is paramount. If a fisherman brings the wrong rod for the wrong fish, things can go bad real quick. Below are a few rods that some will say are the best to use when fluke fishing.

When fishing flukes it is best to use a “fast-action” rod. These rods are more responsive and let the fishermen move a jig along the bottom in small hops instead of longer sweeps. Rods anywhere from 6 to 7 feet are just right for this technique. While 7 foot rods may allow for further casting range, the 6 foot rod makes it not as hard to hop the jigs. Any rod longer than 7 feet can feel awkward, especially if there are more than a few people on the boat fishing. 

Drifting Speed Tips

Remember, it is important to remember that drifting speed is key. When there is light and no wind, drifting can be easy. When the conditions are like that it will be the tide that will dictate the drift so it is important to keep in mind the .5 to 1.5 knot drift. Remember, moving around to find the right area to properly drift is perfectly okay. No fisherman wants to be going too fast or too slow. They need to strike the perfect balance.

There are ways to handle too slow or too fast drift conditions. A fisher may power drift by bumping the engines in and out of gear to manage where they are going and how fast. Wind is another factor when determining drift speed. If the wind is blowing with the tide, the boat may be going too fast. If the wind is going against the tide, the boat is more likely than not going slower than it should be. Managing the optimal drifting speed when fluke fishing is not easy but it can be done with practice and patience. It can be like fishing, requiring nothing more than to have a feel of one’s surroundings.

Fluke Fishing

As every person knows, bait is one of the most important supplies to have when trying to catch fluke. When it comes to fluke fishing, the most popular choice among fishers is squid. The squid can either be fresh or frozen. The squid can either be stripped or whole, depending on the choice of the fisherman. Some other possible baits people try are sand eels, killifish, fluke belly, and minnows. When it comes to deep waters, blue fish, herring, and mackerel are solid picks to lure larger fluke. In the end, every fisherman needs to find which bait works for them. A suggestion would be to at least try every bait out at least once.


In conclusion, there are important things to manage and remember when going fluke fishing. Without the proper equipment, catching fluke is like trying to find a needle in a haystack. Knowing how to keep the boast at the optimal speed is almost just as important. Remember, keep the speed between .5 and 1.5 knot drift. If one can remember that, fishing for flukes should be a fruitful experience. Finally, the biggest thing to remember out there is to enjoy it. If not, then why do it?

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